Masterclass: How To Breathe Correctly

PLUS: 4 Types of Customer Attraction

Good morning. This is More Than Teeth. The newsletter that helps dental sleep professionals get 1% better every week.

You’re back for another 1%..? Glad to see you!

Clinical Corner

🥼Use the clinical corner as your secret weapon to impress your colleagues and patients!

  • The study shows that when mice with sleep apnea didn't get enough oxygen to their brains, they had more signs of Alzheimer's disease. But don't worry, there's good news!

    💡 Using a CPAP machine to help with sleep apnea could help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. So, if you're snoring like a chainsaw at night, it might be time to get yourself a CPAP machine and start sleeping like a lamb.

    Who knows, you might even remember where you left your keys in the morning!

  • Getting healthy, unbroken sleep is crucial for children with behavioral issues and learning disabilities. Nasal obstruction can cause many children to breathe through their mouths at night, which leads to oxygen deprivation and frequent waking. This creates a cycle of chemical stimulation that makes children anxious, hyperactive, and unfocused during the day. 

    If your child is struggling, it's essential to identify and correct any blockage in the nose. Anatomical deformities, septal deviations, enlarged adenoids, or environmental allergies may cause nasal obstruction. After healthy nasal breathing gets restored, the orthodontist then begins the second important aspect of treatment: ensuring proper jaw growth. 🦷

    Remember, SDB (Sleep-Disordered Breathing) produces ADD or ADHD symptoms, which can result in misdiagnosis. Parents should be aware of sleep deprivation symptoms in their children and seek out Airway Orthodontists or pediatricians who keep up with recent medical research on childhood sleep. There is a chance that their children's issues are reversible without medication or therapy. Improving nasal obstructions in kids is nothing short of life-changing. 🙌

  • The article is about the relationship between two health conditions: periodontitis🦷🪥and obstructive sleep apnea💤. The article reviews studies to see if there is a connection between the two conditions. The studies suggest that there may be a link between the two, but more research is needed to understand the relationship better.

    Lack of sleep = inflammation

    It wouldn’t surprise us if that extra data confirms the link.

  • Dr. Huberman has a similar mission to us here at More Than Teeth. We want everyone to enjoy learning about health. He does an incredible job simplifying complex topics and giving practical applications everyone can understand.

Business of Sleep

📈Better businesses = more lives saved!

Have you ever heard of a funnel?🛝

The idea is to create a clear path for potential customers to follow and provide them with valuable information and experiences at each stage to build trust and establish a relationship with the business. The funnel typically starts with a broad audience and gradually narrows down to those who are most likely to become customers.

Every year, our businesses generate tens of millions of dollars, and each one is built with this funnel framework in mind.

Over the next few editions, we will be going through each section of the sales funnel; Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action, and Loyalty!


TLDR; (too long, didn’t read)

4 Types of Attraction

1. Branding (visual appeal)

2. Testimonials (engaging stories)

3. Messaging (customer-focused message)

4. Call to Action (provide value before asking)

Visual A ppeal
  • Creating marketing content with eye-catching pictures or videos can help get your message out to more people.

    Your brand should stay consistent across all media and marketing. You can use platforms like to find design help for cheap!

    This is often overlooked because we are so focused on the product or offering that we forget that how we package the product or service is just as important.

Here are a few of our favorite dental brands(designs)!

  • Top-of-funnel marketing content often includes testimonials from satisfied customers who used the product or services to meet a specific need.

    For example, a dental lab that offers implant production to both dentists and outsourcing customers might have two different email marketing campaigns, one featuring a testimonial from a DSO (Dental Service Organization) executive client and one with a video about the company's outsourcing production services.

    This is one of the most powerful marketing tactics you can employ for local brick-and-mortar locations like a dental office.

“I'd rather go where 100 satisfied customers vouched for it than where the business brag about themselves 100 times.”

- every customer ever
Customer-Focused Message🎯
  • To attract customers, marketing teams might create content that focuses on a problem or question that their target audience might have. For example, an education company's content writer might create blog posts about learning disabilities, study skills and the college admissions process.

    This content might answer questions that parents have about their children's educational future and can establish the company's employees as experts in the field. By focusing on the customers' needs, content marketers provide a service and raise awareness of the company's brand at the same time.

📢Call to Action
  • Your content should do two things; provide value and calls to specific actions.

    Calls to action encourage viewers to perform a specific action after seeing the content. In top-of-funnel marketing, the call to action might invite customers to sign up for a webinar, subscribe to an email list, read a blog post or watch a video.

    Here is the big secret to making calls to action (CTA’s) work…


Rarely do people feel inclined to purchase your products or services without first receiving value of some kind. Here are some ideas to help you start..

Dental offices🥼

  1. Patient education meetings

  2. Free home sleep tests

  3. At-home treatments/recommendations

  4. Social media posts of your most asked questions

Dental product and service providers

  1. Provide Free cobranded marketing material to your clients

  2. Patient Educational material. Again, co-branded.

  3. On-site implementation and strong support line.

The bottom line is if your calls to action (CTA’s) aren’t working, you need to provide value first.

Something Sweet

🍭Stuff so sweet you might get a cavity..

If a nose whistle is worse than nails on a chalkboard for you, this might be your next favorite gadget!

We have been using this and will be forever hooked!

Nasal dilation of nasal cones + not having to put something up your nose!

Intake Breathing Nasal Dilators👃


😅P.S. … I forgot something

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